Category: Uncategorized

  • Forgetful Mama

    Sometimes I forget I’m a mom. All my life I never imagined being a mom. I travel extensively and this is how I wanted my life to continue. Surprise surprise, I’m pregnant and now a mom. I literally forget that there’s someone in the house that I need to attend to. It won’t be for […]

  • Nhlamulo

    My son is very hyperactive and sometimes just to run away from him asking me endless questions at time and not following instructions, I locked myself at the restroom for 5 minutes just to get a break from him and we start over the process again

  • Hope

    I’m not a first time Mom, but I have suddenly developed this fear that I can’t even explain. I’m ready for my little one yet I’m scared. It will be a lot once he gets here because I’m a student, I have to juggle between being a parent and a student at the same time. […]

  • Moni’Q

    I arrived a whole day too early at a kids party. Appears this sleep-deprived mom got the dates wrong.

  • Mika

    Mum of 3 beautiful boys here. My 3rd was not planned ans I cries out of fear when I found out I was pregnant again. He is now almost 3 months old and is the most precious addition to my family. I really felt like a bad person for feeling anything but love for him […]

  • Pheladi

    Having a new born has made me lazy, so during my maternity leave , it’s only me an my baby girl during the day and we would sleep through it all , she is the sweetest baby and doesn’t cry. But I would lie and say she was fussy and was crying the whole day […]

  • Selo

  • Corrine

    I confess to yelling at my baby in a moment where I just got stressed with an adult matter #MomConfession

  • Lee

    I’m having a tough time at work, my mom has dementia and forgot my name and still needs so much to be done for her and things aren’t great with my partner either. I am really tired. But the one thing I try hard to do is give my son the best of me every […]

  • Mother of the boys

    Since I found out about my pregnancy I’ve always liked the idea of baby sleeping in a cot. But boy oh boy reality is we now sleep bare breasted at night with my 7 month old baby next to me. He sorts himself out and I get some sleep.