Category: Uncategorized
Mrs Mash
My Real Moment Momfession is that I recently let our baby Kairo sleep in our bed so I do not have to fully wake up and breastfeed him in the middle of the night. When he wakes up crying, I can just slip in the breast and he goes right back to sleep without me […]
Just after delivering my firstborn, I was wheeled into our hospital room and left with baby. In that moment a gush of emotion over flooded me and I realized that this baby would be my responsibility for the rest of my life. The thought just seemed too overbearing and I cried tears of intense fear […]
1st time parents to a little miracle baby , we didn’t want to do screen time , formula or teething powders. As they would say ,coddle her as it would make it difficult. We confess we let her have screen time so we can have our food and beverage while it’s still warm . we […]
As someone who was a widow a 2 years ago i never thought I’d get to bring another blessing to this world but I married the most amazing man at age 41 and we’re expecting our 1st baby together. Can’t wait to enjoy our blessing.
mommy locksmith
My 2 year old played in his room and he closed the door. Suddenly I heard the sound of a door locking… And my son calling mommy… Mommy help… I ran to the door and yeah it was locked!!! I started taking of the door handle , with success i opened the door (not gonna […]
I am tired. I’m a stay at home mom & student who does it all since my husband works away from home for months on end & we live far from family so no real support structure. I can hardly do anything for myself between caring for the kids & my studies. My business is […]
Sometimes I’m super lazy to pick up all the toys that my daughter dumped out of her toy box, so I grab the broom and dust pan and sweep all those little toys up, it’s so much effort picking up those tiny little toys, if you a parent you’d definitely understand.
Strange Kid’s Mom
For the first 5 months of my sons life he refused to poo in his nappy, he would wait for us to open the nappy and then we had to hold his legs up so he could do his business in the open nappy. He then started using the nappy for its intended purpose and […]